  • Donovit-VS


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Recommendations for use as a dietary supplement to the diet - as a source of natural biologically active components that help improve the quality of life, normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and inhibit the development of tumors; have antiangiogenic, immunostrengthening, tonic and radioprotective properties.



- the main active ingredient is Borets root alkaloids in a dosage of 1.25 mcg in one tablet, which makes it possible to inhibit the growth of tumors by up to 70%-80%, provide effective antiangiogenic, radiation protective (in the range of received radiation doses of up to 5 Gray), anti-inflammatory, immunostrengthening, antiarrhythmic and antitoxic effects. "Donovit-VS" is also intended for the prevention of inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, musculoskeletal system (mainly metabolic-dystrophic polyarthritis).

- All other components: spirulina, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are added to the tablet as a catalyst (amplifier of the action of alkaloids), Jerusalem artichoke, milk sugar (lactose), calcium stearate as a filler to hold the tablet together.

"Donovit-VS" can be produced in any combination of the listed components. The difference is indicated on the label of the corresponding product.

I. Recommendations for use as a dietary supplement to the diet - as a source of natural biologically active components that help improve the quality of life, normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and inhibit the development of tumors; have antiangiogenic, immunostrengthening, tonic and radioprotective properties.

Dosage and method of use: 1-3 tablets per day. There are 100 tablets in a package. The course is one month, 2 times a year, preferably in the autumn-spring period. It is advisable to take supplements 15–20 minutes before meals or 1.5–2 hours after meals, drinking ½ glass of warm boiled water. The drug can be absorbed under the tongue regardless of food intake.

II.Use of the Donovit-VS supplement to increase immunity during seasonal colds

Helps normalize the functioning of the bronchopulmonary system, as well as in conditions requiring the use of immunostrengthening drugs - 3-4 tablets per day. The course is one month.

"Donovit-VS", having pronounced immuno-strengthening properties, affects the body as a whole. When taking the supplement, the body’s performance and its protective properties increase, memory improves, and resistance to diseases, including viral ones, increases. It is advisable to use Donovit-VS during flu epidemics - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

For elderly people, for prevention in order to prolong and improve the quality of life - 1-2 tablets 1 time per day. For 3 months once a year. It is better to start prevention in spring or autumn.

For children, the dose of the Donovit-VS supplement should be less than the average dose for an adult, depending on the age and weight of the child. Not recommended for children under 14 years of age.

III. Use of the Donovit-VS additive in case of increased radiation

Employees of nuclear power plants, Chernobyl victims, people involved in the disposal of nuclear waste, scientists working with high levels of radiation, radiologists - 2-3 tablets per day. The course is for 50 days, followed by repetition 2 - 3 times a year.

IV. The use of the drug "Donovit-VS" in the complex treatment of cancer patients

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are cytostatic (stopping division) and antiangiogenic (stopping the process of formation of blood vessels in the tumor) actions. The use of the drug does not exclude surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The best effect is achieved in complex treatment together with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. You must take the tablets as prescribed by your doctor, depending on the degree of the disease, the location of the tumor and the cellular structure of the cancer. After a course of treatment, objective monitoring is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the drug.

Cancer patients in the preoperative period for: strengthening the immune system before surgery, slowing tumor growth, its “encapsulation” and stopping metastasis - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day, depending on the patient’s weight. Course for a month.

Cancer patients in the postoperative period and during chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day, depending on the patient’s weight. Start taking it 10 days before chemotherapy or radiation therapy and during chemotherapy. The course is 2-3 months after chemoradiotherapy.

Cancer patients, in order to prevent metastasis, take 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for a long time.

Stage IV cancer patients to reduce pain and slow down the growth of the primary tumor and the process of metastasis - 3 tablets 3 times a day for a long time, depending on the patient’s condition.

Contraindications: allergic reaction and individual intolerance.

"Donovit-VS" is protected by Ukrainian and foreign patents.

Not a medicine. However, taking 3 tablets at the same time according to the dose of alkaloids has a therapeutic effect.

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